SignalTech One

Making Smart Home Integration Simple

Phone: (213) 592-3080
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Connecting your Control System

There are two ways to connect your control system to the device,

  • Using our pre-made Creston® module (recommended)
  • Using standard TCP/IP client communication.
    *(works with any TCP/IP capable network based programmable control system)

Using our pre-made Creston Module

Using our Creston® Simpl Windows module makes setup a breeze, you can be download the module from here.
Our unified WFxOS modules works for all of our devices making training simple and updates reliable.

Installing the Crestron Connector Module

  1. Download the connector .zip file from the main support page for this version
  2. Unzip the archive into a temporary folder.
    In the new folder you will see 2 folders, /Usrplus and /Usrmacro, and a README.txt file detaIiling this procedure
  3. Move all the files in the [temp folder]/Usrplus folder of the archive into your local [path to crestron files]/Usrplus folder
  4. Move all the files in the [temp folder]/Usrmacro folder of the archive into your local [path to crestron files]/Usrmacro folder
  5. If you have SIMPL open the reload your symbol library to see the new modules. The connector modules will be in the SignalTech1 folder of your library tree

Once the module is installed select the module and press F1 to access the help file containing a full list of signals and usage for each

*note: you can find your local [path to crestron files] from within your SIMPL windows environment under the top menu
Options -> Preferences -> Directories

Using standard TCP/IP client communications

Each of these connection methods have there own attributes and skill levels relative to the type of communication you are wanting to use.

Works with all network based programmable control systems

We offer several options to connect to our devices using TCP/IP communication.
These include:

  • HTTP/Web based Calls (relay use only)
  • Web Sockets (relay use only)
  • Telnet (TCP port 42000
    • For Relay control send the following:
      0 = OFF
      1 = ON
      2 = Status
      3 = Cycle
      Respone for relays will be a ? for an unknown or bad command, otherewise the new status will be returned

    • For serial control simply connect the TX$ and RX$ to your device control modules RX$ and TX$ string

  • SSH *(coming soon)

Authorized Dealers

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