SignalTech One

Making Smart Home Integration Simple

Phone: (213) 592-3080
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Administration Sections

Network Section

Wi-Fi Settings

Current Network

Displays the name of the network that the device is currently connected too.

Signal Strength

Displays the signal strength of the network that the device is currently connected too.
This can be useful in trouble shooting connection issues.

Security Type

Displays the type of security (if any) that the current network is using.

Address Settings

Address Type

Displays the current Address Assignment Type. Valid options are DHCP OR Static.
No other information is needed when set to DHCP, however a reservation must be set to utilize the device from a control system. The additional information, IP Address, DNC Address and Gateway are required when set to Static.  

IP Address

Current IP address for the device.
(only applicable when Address Type is set to Static)

Subnet Mask

Current subnet address for the device.
(only applicable when Address Type is set to Static)

Gateway Address

Current IP Address of the Router or Gateway assigned to the device.
(only applicable when Address Type is set to Static)

DNS Address

Current IP Address of the DNS Server assigned to the device
(only applicable when Address Type is set to Static)

Serial Port Section

The Serial Settings is only available on devices that have a serial port

Baud Rate

Displays the current Baud rate for the serial port.
Select the speed that matches your connected devices specifications

Data Bits

Displays the current Data Bits for the serial port.
Select the number of bits that matches your connected devices specifications


Displays the current Parity for the serial port.
Select the option that matches your connected devices specifications

Stop Bits

Displays the current Stop Bits for the serial port.
Select the number of bits that matches your connected devices specifications

Security Section


Displays the username used to access the device.
The default username for these devices is admin.


Allows you to change the current password for the device.
The default password for these devices is admin.

Status Section

Firmware ver

Displays the currently running version of the firmware on the device. This information is usefull when considering an update.

Firmware date

Displays the date that the currently running version firmware on the device was compiled. This information is usefull when considering an update.

Update Firmware 

Allows you to upload a new version of the firmware to run on the device. You can obtain updated versions of the firmware at:

Clear All Settings 

Erases all settings for the network, port and security that is currently saved in the eprom and restores device to a factory state. This is usefull for moving the device to a new location or network.

Authorized Dealers

Need a device now for an active job? These dealers can help.